Monday 20 June 2011

Work for show

These are the pieces of work that were printed and put up in the show. There is a a1 page of my fmp cider branding, a2 page of fruit juice packaging and a3 of my retro poster.

Visit to UCA shows

Last week I visited the end of year show at Canterbury UCA, I looked around the jewelery area, sculpture, fine art and the photography. Some of the work was extremely good, but the bit I thought the most effort had gone into was the jewelery pieces. I then visited the Maidstone degree show as this is where I'm going in september, their show wasn't as welll organised as the Canterbury one but it was still good to see the variety of work.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Normans Bay

These are photographs that I took from a visit to Eastbourne and Normans Bay.

FMP Progression

I have now completed my FMP, I enjoyed completing the project as it has enabled me to see my progression of ideas. I am personally very pleased with my final out come as it is different to cider labels available now. 

Monday 9 May 2011

Completing Website

Today I applied my imagery to my website and added the information about myself. I had to adjust the images to 500mp high in Photoshop and ensure that the picture were set to RBG mode.


Thursday 21 April 2011